Going away overnight or on vacation? Entrust the care of your beloved pet to Waterloo Pet Services!
Your in-home visits from Waterloo Pet Services can be combined and personalized to meet the specific needs of you and your pet(s). Whether Fido needs his medication, Felix needs some love and his litter cleaned, or your new puppy needs some exercise and a pit stop, we are there for you and your treasured companion. We currently offer the following individual services:
30-minute Pit Stop $25.00
1 hour Boredom Buster $40.00
Each additional pet $5 (over 2 dogs or 3 cats)
Pick up/drop off keys $15.00
* All services subject to HST
Payment options of cash, cheque or e-transfer, paid in advance for new clients.
Less than 12 hrs notice 100% of the visit(s) will be charged
Less than 24 hrs notice 50% of the visit(s) will be charged
Click here to get the full details on each WPS individual service type.